

* The Chair may limit the time taken by a delegation to (10) minutes. The delegation must appoint a spokesperson.

* To allow members of council to prepare for delegations, all presenters shall register with the CAO at least (120) hours (5 days) before the council meeting and advise the CAO of the topic and scope of the presentation.

* Persons wishing to appear as a delegation in regards to an item placed on the agenda provided to the public 4 days prior to the scheduled meeting, shall register with the CAO a minimum of two (2) hours before the council meeting and advise the CAO of the topic of the presentation. In any case, registration of a delegation must occur prior to the commencement of a council meeting.

* Delgations wishing to utilize PowerPoint or other electronic presentations must advise administration a minimum of 24 hours in advance. Delegations must provide administration with an electronic copy of the presentation prior to the start of the council meeting.

* There shall not be a limit to the number of delegations included on the agenda of a council meeting, but the CAO is granted authority to schedule delegations as deemed appropriate.

* We ask that you arrive either in person or by Zoom at least 10 minutes prior to your delegation time in the event that the meeting is running ahead of schedule. 

* The public shall not participate in discussion at a council meeting, unless by unanimous consensus of the members present, or if necessary a majority vote of council, the public is asked for their participation.